Tiger Tales 8 …

Time has definately passed since the last news of the Tiger rebuild. However, the painted shell has been quite literally descended on by a great collection of parts that have been carefully restored during the period whilst the shell was away. Some parts were done by Jonathan and team at Hardy Hall, some here in our own workshops – mostly things electrical – and others by outside specialists – brake calipers, rear axle etc etc, The car has now reached the stage where, it looks reasonably complete – Shiny bits are back on, dash and instruments installed, what trim there is reinstated, and most importantly front suspension and rear axle installed. The car is now in a position where it can sit on its own wheels and be moved – indeed it is imminently heading to Vehicle Wiring Services (www.vehiclewiringservices.co.uk)  who will manufacture and install the wiring loom. All we are needing now is the engine and gearbox – which currently is waiting for a set of pistons!! The deadline is looming……….


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