Tiger Tales 6……


Work on the Tiger’s bodyshell is progressing at quite a rapid pace now – the shell, having been tipped on its side and the underside having been blasted, has now been carefully seam sealed and following primer, several coats of black have been applied. Meanwhile, in another part of the paintshop, the detached parts – doors, bonnet, boot lid etc have been turned from bare metal to gleaming Fiat Rosso, via primer and copious amounts of rubbing down!

Whilst it seems that the car has been taken entirely back to bare metal and totally repainted, this is in fact far from the case. Whilst the exterior paint finish was none original and not the correct colour, the interior of both the passenger compartment and boot were correct and here the original paint has been retained.

In the mechanical and fittings department,  a box of items has been delivered to us here at HVC for sorting out – ie 1 Smiths heater blower, which currently has a seized motor, a double ended SU fuel pump which will be rebuilt to keep as a spare and an original Ford starter motor which will be swapped for one of our lightweight Powerlite items.

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