October Round-Up 2020

Good Morning, 

Happy Halloween to those of you who choose to celebrate! Either way, we thought it very fitting that these special order Vintage Bucket seats were made for one of our customers this week.  We love the colour and look forward to seeing pictures of them fitted in our customer’s car. You can see our full range of buckets seats here.

Charlotte was about the age the image below depicts when she went to her first car show on press or ‘set up’ day. If you have ever been to a car show at such a time you will have witnessed exotica cars, often stranded in the middle of vast halls, unprotected or amongst stand erection materials. It was on such an occasion that Jeremy’s musings over one of the B.A.T’s (below right) were interrupted by a clatter. Lost in thought he had failed to notice Charlotte swinging on the personnel barrier that proceeded to topple over coming to rest on the car! Despite this, they still made over $14 million at RMSotherbys Auction last Wednesday! 

We have listed our last couple of Gotschke Signed Prints this week. These are large prints (Sheet size 550 x 410mm – Image size 450x300m) and we only have a couple available.

We are very proud of our Account manager Pam, who completed a wing walk last month to raise money for our local Hospital’s Maternity Unit. After her flight had been postponed 3 times she finally took to the sky only to report that next time she would like to do some barrel rolls….what a lady! You can find her just giving page by clicking here

If you happen to be planning a wing walk yourself or you intend to keep your classic on the road this winter, we can offer you the correct gear. 
From our beautiful hand made Flying Jackets to Motoring Goggles and Driving Gloves, we have got you covered.

Happy Motoring!
The Team at Holdens 

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