Looking for an original part?

Holden Vintage & Classic offers a great range of Authentic Lucas Classic parts

Authentic Lucas Classic parts are produced to exacting standards using original drawings and tooling where available. Modern materials and engineering techniques are used to create superior parts for improved performance, but with the same look and feel as the original.

As part of the SNG Barratt Group, we are now increasing our range of these iconic branded parts on a daily basis. Throughout spring 2022, we will introduce hundreds of new authentic classic Lucas parts for a wide range of models, so make sure you check our website on a regular basis. If you’re on our mailing list, we will keep you informed so sign up today!

If you are looking for an Authentic Lucas Classic alternator or pulley, they are now in stock and available for purchase via email or telephone only. They will be available on the website very soon.

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2 Comments. Leave new

  • looking for a door mirror for a 1951 Riley RMB. There are 3 holes on the drivers door (curved surface) where a mirror once was. Would you have such a thing?


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Bringing More Parts To More People – SNG Barratt
Manufactured by Holden