
History of the 1964 ex works Sunbeam Tiger

Jeremy’s model (The AHP 294B) features the original Ford 4.2 Litre V8 engine. It made its debut at the 1964 Geneva Rally, just three months after it was registered, where…

Tiger Tales 8 …

Time has definately passed since the last news of the Tiger rebuild. However, the painted shell has been quite literally descended on by a great collection of parts that have…

2CV Rebuild 12

The new chassis is now getting a little heavy on Jan’s Dad’s old wooden trestles. The rear is now finished with its new brake pipework, grease, and a lick of…

2CV Rebuild 11

Firstly I had to clear some blocks left over from some building work I’ve been doing last year, and so used them to securely “block” up the the old chassis.…

2CV Van

You may remember from an earlier post that lurking around here there is a small green 2CV van – a wrinkly bonnet type equipped with a 425cc twin cylinder air-cooled…

2CV Rebuild 10

Prep and Paint At the weekend I started to clean off the rear suspension units using an angle grinder and wire brushes see http://www.holden.co.uk/displayproduct.asp?pCode=092.229 and http://www.holden.co.uk/displayproduct.asp?pCode=095.080 Then using Por15 I’ve…

Tiger tales 7……

These pages have been somewhat free of Tiger tales of late – mostly due to the shell being away with the painters and us leaving them to do their bit…

2CV Rebuild 9

Body off….Simon and Adam from work helped lift the body off the chassis on Friday evening, this is now outside, where it will remain ’till the end of March when…

2CV Rebuild 8

“Houston we have lift off!” Well I thought this was going to be awkward, and I haven’t dropped the fuel tank out yet, as the previous repairs to the floor…

2CV Rebuild 7

Last night I encountered a “that’s not very good” moment. The last 2 bits to strip from inside the car that go through the bulkhead were the clutch pedal assembly…