September 2020 Round-Up

Good Morning, 

We hope that you have all been keeping well.

The rain has arrived here in Herefordshire and (on a more positive note) so has our stock of the new Long Way Up collection from Belstaff. If you are interested in viewing the collection click here.  

It has been another busy month here so we thought that we would let you have a brief round-up of our September. 

Department “S” ……

We are still rummaging through the dark corners of our stores and keep coming across interesting (we think!) items. Such as these post-war Austin 16 Headlamps, which have been with us for 30 plus years, new old stock still in their original boxes. It’s extraordinary to think that the first electric dipping mechanism was activated by this solenoid that rotated the reflector dish by approximately 10 degrees. We don’t really want to sell them but if you are desperate do get in touch!

Department “X”

Project V, if all goes well next year, this button could be pressed at an event near Bromyard! Hopefully, by May next year, we will be bat virus-free and the idea of a vampire amongst us is not too frightening!

Thing’s Lucas

When having a sort through some old racks whilst looking for the Volvo P1800 rear lens tooling we came across this beauty, the original Lucas tooling for the Jaguar V12 distributor cap. A happy discovery that we thought we had lost many years ago! 

The Greasy Nipple…..

Throttling back on Friday evenings…fettling talk at the GN is now much reduced by the new COVID regulations 🙁 

Do you recognize this…..

Is it you with a trials car on top of your gate post? We are intrigued as to who lives next to friends with an interest in trialling. Please do get in touch:)

That’s it for this week. Have a lovely weekend.

Happy Motoring!
The Team at Holdens

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