“Herefordshire on the edge” Motorcycle event

Holden are proud sponsors of Hereford on the Edge motorcycle event.

“Herefordshire on the Edge” is a unique event for older motorcycles organised by the Herefordshire section of the Vintage Motor Cycle Club

Starting and finishing at Ross Cattle Market on Sunday June 26th the first ever running of “Herefordshire on the Edge” will give riders of older motorcycles and 3-wheelers a chance to explore some remote and beautiful corners of Herefordshire, one of England‘s most scenic, historic and least visited counties. The event will provide an enjoyable, non-competitive, long distance ride, challenging entrants’ riding and navigation skills as well as testing their machines over a wide range of surfaced roads.

Riders must plan and then follow a route to visit as many as possible of the 24 designated waypoints spaced at roughly 10 mile intervals around the border of the county. The minimum distance to visit all 24 points will be about 240 miles. All finishers successfully visiting the 4 designated “cardinal” points of the compass (N,S, E & W) plus any other 4 points will receive a bronze award. Those visiting cardinal points and at least 8 others receive a silver and those visiting 18 points, including the cardinal points receive a coveted gold. Anyone visiting all 24 points, can be very proud of their achievement. Entrants may use any appropriate equipment to plan and follow their route (i.e. Satnavs are allowed)

 “Herefordshire on the Edge” is expected to attract riders from all over the UK to share this beautiful county. Cost is £5 per machine. Details and entry forms are available from Geoff McGladdery at 7, the Hopkilns, Bishops Frome WR6 5BP, phone/text on 07588 559698 or email geoffmac@globalnet.co.uk

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